How to Improve Endurance for BJJ There are three energy systems the body uses during exercises. The phosphagen (ATP-PC) Anaerobic Alactic is utilized for high intensity and short duration bursts like shooting a takedown or exploding from the bottom for a reversal or sit out. The Glycolytic Anaerobic Lactic is used for high to medium intensity and for moderate duration and lastly is the oxidative energy system which sustains long duration exercises and lower intensities. All three of these systems are constantly working together at the same time, however depending on the intensity one system will be predominant. Ideally, if we can improve our oxidative system to work at higher and higher intensities, we could grapple for hours. There are books written about how to best train and develop the different energy systems, and programming of intensities and heart rate zones, as well as how to increase lactate tolerance and improve recovery time from high intensity bursts. What we will focus on briefly is the foundation, the oxidative system. If you want to improve your endurance and get the best results from 2–3-week high intensity training, you need to have a strong oxidative foundation. Here are 2 great ways to start improving this energy system. - Cardiac Output Method (improves the efficiency of heart to deliver oxygen) 1-3 times per week for 40-90 minutes. Heart rate zone is generally between 120-140 beats per minute. - Cardiac Power Intervals (improves oxygen supply at higher intensities) any drill, sprinting, rowing, or cycling at high intensity for 60-90 seconds, followed by 2-5 minutes of active rest until heart rate returns to 120-130 bpm. 4-12 reps per session. 1-2 sessions per week. Keep an eye out for future posts about the other two energy systems, programming intensities appropriately for grappling, and breathing techniques.